Shaping Futures
e-magazine of The Michael Dukakis Institute
The book “Social Credit – the Warring States of China’s Emerging Data Empire” recommended by MIT Professor Nazli Choucri
“Social Credit – the Warring States of China’s Emerging Data Empire” by Vincent Brussee, Mercator Institute for China Studies, Berlin, Germany is recommended by MIT Professor Nazli Choucri, a Global […]
The Global Enlightenment Mountain: GADG’s Architect for the Databank
In order to unlock the full potential of data and AI economies for the prosperity of countries'...
Global Enlightenment Mountain coordinates with India Stack
On May 17, 2023, Sharad Sharma, iSPIRT Foundation, presented at Connection Science of MIT Media Lab...
AI Act: a step closer to the first rules on Artificial Intelligence
Global Enlightenment Mountain (GEM) is very pleasure to introduce this good news from European...
GEM Pioneering Programs
The Global Enlightenment Mountain (GEM) was officially launched on April 26, 2023, during the BGF...
A framework for human-centered AI based on nature’s laws
Thomas Kehler, BGF High-level Conference April 26, 2023 AI Assistant Regulation...
6 AI governance principles to help enterprises cope with risk in the fast-moving world
Due to the rapid democratisation of artificial intelligence (AI) and an unprecedented pace of...
Global Enlightenment Mountain (GEM) – The New Silicon Valley for Global Enlightenment
The Global Enlightenment Mountain (GEM) program is a model of the new Silicon Valley, designed to...
Commonwealth and Intel launch AI learning platform for public sector leaders
The Commonwealth Secretariat and Intel have jointly launched a digital learning platform to enable...