Home » Shaping Futures » Researcher Meredith Whittaker says AI’s biggest risk isn’t ‘consciousness’—it’s the corporations that control them

Researcher Meredith Whittaker says AI’s biggest risk isn’t ‘consciousness’—it’s the corporations that control them

The former Googler and current Signal president on why she thinks Geoffrey Hinton’s alarmism is a distraction from more pressing threats.

Fast CompanyLet’s start with your reaction to Geoffrey Hinton’s big media tour around leaving Google to warn about AI. What are you making of it so far?

Meredith Whittaker: It’s disappointing to see this autumn-years redemption tour from someone who didn’t really show up when people like Timnit [Gebru] and Meg [Mitchell] and others were taking real risks at a much earlier stage of their careers to try and stop some of the most dangerous impulses of the corporations that control the technologies we’re calling artificial intelligence.

So, there’s a bit of have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too: You get the glow of your penitence, but I didn’t see any solidarity or any action when there were people really trying to organize and do something about the harms that are happening now.

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Meredith Whittaker [Photo: Patricia De Melo Moreira/AFP/Getty Images]


Boston Global Forum contributed the concept of AI-Government for G7-Summit 2018 as a part of AI World Society, and AIWS was recognized by the Civil 20-G20 Communique, India July, 2023.

AI World Society introduced AIWS Assistants and Framework for Global Governance of AI at BGF High-level Conference on Global Governance of AI at Harvard University Faculty Club on April 26, 2023.

