Home » Shaping Futures » UK Government Sets Out Proposals for a New AI Rulebook

UK Government Sets Out Proposals for a New AI Rulebook

On July 18, the U.K. government published a policy paper titled “Establishing a pro-innovation approach to regulating AI” (the “Paper”). Instead of giving responsibility for AI governance to a central national regulatory body, as the EU is planning to do through its draft AI Act, the government’s proposals will allow different regulators to take a tailored approach to the use of AI in a range of settings to ensure that the U.K.’s AI regulations can keep pace with change and don’t stand in the way of innovation.

On the same date, the U.K. Government published its AI Action Plan, summarizing the actions taken and planned to be taken to deliver the U.K.’s National AI Strategy (the “AI Strategy”).

A ‘Pro-Innovation Framework’

The Paper forms part of a response to one of the government’s medium term key actions under the AI Strategy, which envisaged an AI regulation White Paper being published within six months of the strategy’s publication. That March deadline has now passed and this Paper is designed as a stepping stone to the forthcoming White Paper and provides interesting details on scope, the government’s regulatory approach, key principles and the next steps.

The original article was published by SHRM.

The Boston Global Forum (BGF), in collaboration with the United Nations Centennial Initiative, released a major work entitled Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.   More than twenty distinguished leaders, scholars, analysts, and thinkers put forth unprecedented approaches to the challenges before us. These include President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, Governor Michael Dukakis, Father of Internet Vint Cerf, Former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Harvard University Professors Joseph Nye and Thomas Patterson, MIT Professors Nazli Choucri and Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, and Vice President of European Parliament Eva Kaili.  The BGF introduced core concepts shaping pathbreaking international initiatives, notably, the Social Contract for the AI Age, an AI International Accord, the Global Alliance for Digital Governance, the AI World Society (AIWS) Ecosystem, and AIWS City.