Home » Shaping Futures » “Letter on: A Natural AI Based on The Science of Computational Physics, Biology and Neuroscience: Policy and Societal Significance” is introduced at the Vietnam AI Forum

“Letter on: A Natural AI Based on The Science of Computational Physics, Biology and Neuroscience: Policy and Societal Significance” is introduced at the Vietnam AI Forum

The Boston Global Forum unveiled a groundbreaking document on December 12, 2023. The “Letter on: A Natural AI Based on The Science of Computational Physics, Biology, and Neuroscience: Policy and Societal Significance” represents a comprehensive exploration into the convergence of scientific principles and their implications for AI policy. This letter, meticulously crafted by thought leaders, scientists, and policy experts, delves into the realm of Natural AI, aligning artificial intelligence with the fundamental principles of computational physics, biology, and neuroscience.

The letter’s core essence lies in its multidisciplinary approach, seeking to bridge the gap between scientific advancements and the societal impact of AI. It serves as a guide to policy formation, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations and societal well-being in the development and deployment of AI technologies. The document articulates a vision for a harmonious coexistence between AI systems and the human experience, ensuring that advancements in technology are aligned with our understanding of the world.

This letter will take center stage at the Vietnam AI Forum on January 24, 2024. It seeks to catalyze discussions among industry experts, policymakers, and visionaries, fostering an environment where the principles of Natural AI can be woven into the fabric of global AI governance. The Forum provides a unique platform for further exploration, discussion, and collaboration, marking a significant step toward a future where AI serves as a force for positive societal transformation.

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