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The first AIWS Leadership Master Program begins

Excellent computer science graduate students of LETI “ETU” started studying the AI World Society Leadership Master Program. They will study by innovative concepts: learning by practicality, practicing leadership through projects. They will be assigned readings from professors who are Board Members of Michael Dukakis Institute and Members of AIWS.net. They will attend projects and practice as young leaders at the AIWS City.

Professors of LETI will teach them AI technology. Leaders and professors of Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation will teach and develop leadership. After graduation the AIWS Leadership Master Degree, leaders and professors continue to advise them in their careers. All students of the AIWS Leadership Master Degree program in turn have to respect and commit applying the Social Contract for the AI Age and AI Ethics of Michael Dukakis Institute and bring them to communities.

Professors Mikhail Kupriyanov, First Vice-Rector, D.Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kirill Krinkin of LETI ”ETU”, Saint Petersburg, Russia Governor Michael Dukakis, Chairman, and  Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Director of Michael Dukakis Institute, are the leaders of this program.