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America’s AI edge fading fast to China

The report, titled “Mid-Decade Challenges to National Competitiveness,” was released this month by the congressionally-mandated National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI).

The report begins by painting a stark picture if the US loses its technological competition with China. In that scenario, China comes to dominate the global economy and earn trillions of dollars in revenue through the development of next-generation technologies it uses for global political leverage.

It also claims that China will use its success to justify and export its authoritarian system, with its digital platforms, surveillance technology and digital payment infrastructure used to undermine democracies, support China’s political objectives, target perceived as threatening individuals and refine its propaganda.

The report also outlines the various challenges the US faces in restoring its technological competitiveness.

Finally, the report stresses that the US should govern AI systems wisely, shaping their development and use through the full range of regulatory and non-regulatory governance mechanisms.

The original article was posted here.

The Boston Global Forum (BGF), in collaboration with the United Nations Centennial Initiative, released a major work entitled Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.   More than twenty distinguished leaders, scholars, analysts, and thinkers put forth unprecedented approaches to the challenges before us. These include President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, Governor Michael Dukakis, Father of Internet Vint Cerf, Former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Harvard University Professors Joseph Nye and Thomas Patterson, MIT Professors Nazli Choucri and Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, and Vice President of European Parliament Eva Kaili.  The BGF introduced core concepts shaping pathbreaking international initiatives, notably, the Social Contract for the AI Age, an AI International Accord, the Global Alliance for Digital Governance, the AI World Society (AIWS) Ecosystem, and AIWS City.