Home » Shaping Futures » AI can’t solve this: The coronavirus could be highlighting just how overhyped the industry is

AI can’t solve this: The coronavirus could be highlighting just how overhyped the industry is

Professor Judea Pearl, UCLA, Turing Award, 2020 World Leader in AIWS Award. He is a mentor of AIWS.net and member of the History of Artificial Intelligence Board. He wrote on his Twitter: “A fairly harsh indictment of AI: AI can’t solve this: The coronavirus could be highlighting just how overhyped the industry is. Why hasn’t AI had more impact? I have asked my colleagues at Stanford HAI the same question: ucla.in/2JEhGyv, but I am not sure they took notice. People blame the noisy data; shouldn’t AI outsmart the noise-makers?”

The article is below:

The world is facing its biggest health crisis in decades but one of the world’s most promising technologies — artificial intelligence (AI) – isn’t playing the major role some may have hoped for.

Renowned AI labs at the likes of DeepMind, OpenAI, Facebook AI Research, and Microsoft have remained relatively quiet as the coronavirus has spread around the world.

“It’s fascinating how quiet it is,” said Neil Lawrence, the former director of machine learning at Amazon Cambridge.

“This (pandemic) is showing what bulls–t most AI is. It’s great and it will be useful one day but it’s not surprising in a pandemic that we fall back on tried and tested techniques.”

The full article can be found here.