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Facebook is making an effort to suppress false news

Since the incident in 2016 election, false news has been suppressed on Facebook, while Twitter has yet to act.

According to a paper released recently, Facebook engaged with 570 fake news sites, with approximately 200 million monthly engagements with these sites at its peak in 2018. After 2 years, Facebook’s efforts paid off with more human and technological power to restrict unreliable news. With more content moderators, new offices and AI software, the amount of fake news engagement witnessed a significant drop, there being 70 million engagements with false news in July 2018. On the contrary, Twitter remains at 4 to 6 million engagements from 2016 to 2018.

This study shows a great amount of fake news, however indicates Facebook’s attempt to curb this trend. Reviewed by MIT Technology Review, Facebook seems to be moving the platform in the right direction.

On Global Cybersecurity Day December 12, 2018 at Loeb House, Harvard University, BGF will discuss How AIWS solution to solve disinformation and fake news.