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Establishing Ethical Frameworks in Computer Science

Silicon Valley researchers and technologists are beginning to consider the issue of ethics in computer science with renewed interest. MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and other top universities are offering new courses on the subject of computer ethics and policy, some even requiring it for computer science programs. In the past, ethics in the tech industry have taken a back seat to innovation, but with technologies such as self-driving cars, AI, and the rapid rise of social media, educators are taking ethics more seriously.

The Artificial Intelligence World Society was founded to bring together thinkers, researchers, and scholars to create norms and policy concepts for the benevolent uses of AI and related technologies. To that end, we have published the Ethics Code of Conduct for Cyber Peace and Security, which contributes to the growing scholarship and teaching of digital ethics.

This coming April, AIWS will discuss Ethical Frameworks for AI at our annual BGF-G7 Summit Conference at Harvard University. Follow us here and on social media to stay updated.