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Choudhary: Communication is the key to eliminate wars

(Cambridge, Sep. 26, 2015) – Mr. Shubhranshu Choudhary, the Michael Dukakis Leadership Fellow, believed that right communication among people is essential to help promote awareness of cyber security and prevent the cyber damage.

The view is shared in the Boston Global Forum’s conference on building The Ethics Code of Conduct for Peace and Security which was held at Harvard Faculty Club on September 25, 2015. This is also a part of his work during the week in Boston to implement the Michael Dukakis Leadership program to promote cyber peace and security.

Mr. Choudhary is also a member of  Boston Global Forum’s Young Leaders Network for Peace and Security (YLNP), and was named in the Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Leading Thinkers of 2014. He currently serves as the founder of CGNet Swara in India.

Watch his speech here: