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Artificial Intelligence is the focus in 2019 Cybersecurity Predictions

Artificial Intelligence is expected to affect Cybersecurity significantly in 2019.

WatchGuard Threat Lab research team

In 2019, cyber criminals will build noxious chatbots that try to socially engineer victims into clicking links, downloading files, or sharing private information. Those chatbots will be controlled by AI.

Candace Worley, Chief Technical Strategist, McAfee

While working with AI, each firm needs to supervise its training to avoid damage. Not only privacy regulations, but also legal, ethical, and cultural implications are required to guarantee that AI could handle real-life situations with fairness and responsibility.

Jason Rebholz, Senior Director, Gigamon

Based on available information, AI helps analysts make basic decisions. As a result, the analysts will get more time for advanced determination.

Morey Haber, CTO, and Brian Chappell, sr. director, enterprise & solutions architecture, BeyondTrust

With rapid evolution, AI could establish plans and make data collection, which leads to an increase in successful attacks. 2019 is predicted to have more attacks using AI and Machine Learning.

Malwarebytes Labs Team

In the future, malware will be created by Artificial Intelligence. It will be too dangerous if the AI creates, adapts, and communicates with malware. Morever, an AI will be able to tracking the formula of detecting from compromised computer then rapidly creating a new malware.

Mark Zurich, senior director of technology, Synopsys

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are expected a lot for contributions in cybersecurity due to their ability to find threats with speed and exactitute. “However, many of the articles that I’ve been reading on this topic are expressing skepticism and concern that companies will be lulled into a false sense of security that their detection efficacy is acceptable through the application of ML/AI when that may not actually be the case.”, said Mark, “we should expect to see large companies continue to invest in this technology and startup companies touting ML/AI capabilities to continue to crop up in 2019.”

Ari Weil, Global VP of Product and Industry Marketing, Akamai

The dream of AI and Machine Learning could be reconsidered in 2019. “Whether the catalyst comes from forensic tools that miss detecting advanced threats until significant damage has been done, or monitoring and analytics software that fails to detect the root cause of an issue in a complex deployment environment, the industry will reawaken to the value of evolving specialists vs. purchasing intelligence,” accroding to Ari Weil.

Gilad Peleg, CEO, SecBI

AI will provide more power for attacks. It is logical that the AI hackers will grow faster and bigger and reach more successes in making cyberattacks. To prevent malicious activities, cyber protection needs AI’s support. “With machine learning and AI-driven response, security teams can automate triage and prioritization while reducing false positives by up to 91%,” Gilad Peleg said.

Jason Rebholz, Senior Director, Gigamon

The technology industry will see a significant boost and depend more on AI as the automation and AI play a larger role.

Malcolm Harkins, Chief Security and Trust Officer, Cylance

In 2019, AI-based technology could learn what’s sensitive and category it. This development will require a higher level of management and controlling data.

Rajarshi Gupta, head of AI at Avast

Ending the clone phishing is indispensable the role of AI. “I predict AI will become effective in dealing with these clone phishing attacks by detecting short-lived websites built for phishing. AI can move faster than traditional algorithms when identifying fake sites…” Rajarshi said.

Encouragement of new ideas, concepts, standards, norms, models, and innovations relating to AI is AIWS Initiative’s goal. For that purpose, the AIWS Standards and Practice Committee has continuously built the AIWS 7-Layer Model, a set of ethical standards for AI so that this technology is safe, humanistic, and beneficial to society.