Shaping Futures
e-magazine of The Michael Dukakis Institute
Why Covid Will Make AI Go Mainstream In 2021: Top 3 Trends For Enterprises
What were the golden periods of innovation in modern history? Significant innovation did not occur during phases of economic prosperity or when business was conducted peacefully. Contrary to expectations, innovation […]
Predictions for AI in 2021
Artificial intelligence has expanded its grip on our lives throughout the past year. Even as a...
Ten Workforce Skills For Finance Employees To Complement AI
AI is here and will be an increasingly prominent tool for many companies, big and small. For those...
The Multicore Era Is Over — We Need A New Architecture For AI
Multicore chip making bought us two decades of performance gains, but now it's reaching the...
How IBM Is Working Toward a Fairer AI
Humans have many kinds of biases. To name just a few, we suffer from confirmation bias, which...
This could lead to the next big breakthrough in common sense AI
You’ve probably heard us say this countless times: GPT-3, the gargantuan AI that spews uncannily...
DeepMind Research Introduces Algorithms for Causal Reasoning in Probability Trees
For cutting-edge AI researchers looking for clean semantics models to represent the...
AI security: This project aims to spot attacks against critical systems before they happen
Microsoft has unveiled a new open-source "matrix" that hopes to identify all the existing attacks...
A Major Milestone In AI Technology Illustrates The Power Of Human Intelligence
The New York Times reported that an AI system known as Aristo had become the first to...