Home » Shaping Futures » DCTs Monthly Series VI – Leadership in Action: Driving Change in Pharma, in partnership with AI World Society

DCTs Monthly Series VI – Leadership in Action: Driving Change in Pharma, in partnership with AI World Society

DCTs Monthly Series VI: “Leadership in Action: Driving Change in Pharma,” held on August 20th in pảtnership with Boston Global Forum and AI World Society, right in the heart of the “most innovative square mile on earth” – Kendall MIT Square, Cambridge! Massachusetts, known as the Silicon Valley of Life Sciences. This hub is where groundbreaking ideas in pharma and biotech come to life.

The DCTs Monthly Series VI provided an in-depth exploration into the transformative leadership in pharmaceutical innovation, particularly focusing on early pharmaceutical research.

Keynote Address: Dr. Uli Stilz, Head of the Bio Innovation Hub at Novo Nordisk, delivered an insightful keynote titled “Cultivating Innovation: Leadership Strategies in Early Pharmaceutical Research.” Dr. Stilz highlighted three critical aspects of the Bio Innovation Hub:

  • Innovating in Cardiometabolic Space: Emphasized the long development timelines and the potential for increased investment.
  • Driving Partnerships: Discussed how partnerships can foster disruptive advancements by digging deeper into biology and overcoming translational challenges.
  • Unique Partner Models: Introduced adaptive frameworks and ecosystem creation strategies that facilitate co-creation and innovation.

Panel Insights: Redefining Pharma R&D and Leadership

Following Dr. Uli Stilz’s keynote, a rich panel discussion moderated by Dr. Usman Iqbal, and featuring Dr. Stilz, Dr. Roberto Araujo and Shaju Backer, tackled crucial questions shaping the future of pharmaceutical R&D:

Innovation Redefined: Discussion focused on shifting from mechanistic to real-world innovation to better meet the needs of patients, physicians, and payers.

  1. Combatting “Me Too” Drugs: The panel addressed the prevalence of derivative drugs, advocating for original development and meaningful differentiation.
  2. Leadership Adaptation: Insights on integrating real-world evidence, digital technology, AI, and necessary leadership upskilling to meet modern R&D demands.
  3. Market Access and Innovation: Strategies to navigate global market access hurdles and innovative pricing models were explored.
  4. Collaborative Patient-Centricity: Examples from COVID-19 vaccine development highlighted the potential for collaborative efforts in addressing diseases like HIV and cancer.

This discussion underscored the need for strategic innovation and adaptive leadership in pharmaceuticals to overcome current and future challenges.

Interactive Q&A Session: The session concluded with a Q&A, urging participants to limit their questions to one minute to accommodate as many inquiries as possible, reflecting the high engagement level of the attendees.

Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: Participants joined a special WhatsApp group to continue discussions on decentralized clinical trials, emphasizing the event’s focus on ongoing collaboration and networking.

The DCTs Monthly Series VI not only provided valuable insights from leading experts but also fostered a collaborative environment for professionals to engage directly with pioneers in the field.