Home » Shaping Futures » Building AI World Society in Vietnam: A New Democracy with AI

Building AI World Society in Vietnam: A New Democracy with AI

On Vietnam National Day, September 2, 2024, Boston Global Forum (BGF) CEO Nguyen Anh Tuan authored an article for the special edition of Tuoi Tre Newspaper, highlighting how Vietnam could apply the Artificial Intelligence World Society (AIWS) model to shape its future.

AIWS is envisioned as a transformative system that integrates AI across politics, society, economics, business, culture, and education. The concept emphasizes a governance system that is efficient, equitable, and encourages honesty, responsibility, and kindness. This vision is complemented by the Boston Areti AI (BAI), a Virtuous AI assistant that aids leaders in making compassionate, optimal decisions for peace and security.

Nguyen Anh Tuan’s article calls for Vietnam to lead the way in creating a society where AI can help citizens maximize their potential and participate in a more just, sustainable world, fostering national development in alignment with global progress.
